At The Right Conversation we are experts at having conversations. We help leaders and managers to improve the effectiveness of their conversations to create modern organisational cultures based on authentic, open dialogue. Using a mix of original research, proprietary diagnostic tools and practical skills-building we help change the way organisations 'talk'.
The 5 Super-Skills of Great Conversations™
The ability to have great conversations is perhaps the most fundamental of all management competencies, yet a surprising number of managers are not skilled or confident at this. Our programmes introduce leaders and managers to the '5 Super-Skills’ that underpin all great conversations.

Provoke Keynotes
Our Founder and CEO Dik Veenman is a popular and provocative speaker at leadership conferences and away-days. Drawing on the latest societal, psychological and organisational research he builds a compelling case for ‘Conversational Leadership’

We are highly skilled and experienced at facilitating genuine conversations for both small and groups using well established techniques such as Open Space and World Café - conversations that make a difference

Team Dialogue Indicator™
Most work in modern organisations is done in teams, yet few teams actively look at the quality of their conversations. The Team Dialogue Indicator™ is a unique diagnostic that allows teams to reflect on their conversational habits as a first step to identifying improvements.

Speaking Truth to Power
Encouraging employees to speak up has become an imperative to identify misconduct and malpractice at an early point and to garner innovative ideas in a competitive marketplace. Our 5-year research programme with Ashridge Business School looking into how ‘Truth Speaks to Power’ makes us uniquely qualified to help leaders create organisational cultures where people at all levels feel free to speak up.

The 5 Super-Skills of Great Conversations™
Equipping managers with the 5 core skills that underpin all conversations

Provocative Keynotes
Thought provoking talks that make the case for Conversational Leadership’

Group Facilitation
Skilled facilitation to ensure productive team and large group conversations

Better Team Dialogue
Our unique Team Dialogue Indicator to assess and improve the quality of team dialogue

Creating 'speak up' cultures
Ground-breaking research and our unique Speak Up Index to help create ‘Speak Up’ cultures